Tag Archive | Bonsai

Begonia Bonsai Propagation at Logee’s

Logee's Plants for Home & Garden Blog

Begonia Richardsiana forms a bulbous trunk in a short time, is easy to grow and makes an attractive miniature-like tree. Its leaves are delicate and pointed with white flowers appearing from spring through fall.

Another plus for Richardsiana is its ability to thrive under dry conditions. I was in our propagation range the other day and caught up with Laurie, our Begonia grower. We propagate Begonia Richardsiana two ways at Logee’s. The first method is by cutting and the second method is by seed.

Here is how we do leaf cutting propagation. Although this way is quicker for the begonia to take root, it takes longer to form the nice bulbous trunk.

Sheering the present crop has two purposes. First, we harvest cuttings for the next crop. Second,  the crop underneath becomes a much healthier, fuller multi-branched specimen.

Choosing a cutting with more than one leaf nodes gives the cutting…

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